Why? When he discovers that Slim is not in the bunk house either, he assumes that his wife and Slim are together, showing that Curly does not trust his wife. What does George find in the box by his bed and what does he assume? – Curley’s wife comes into the room & makes fun of the men calling them an old sheep dog, and a dumb dumb. Write all that apply: Curley is still trying to fight Slim Curley is teased by Candy Curley tries to fight George none of the above 9. Curley beats up any man who dares to talk to her; the only one he listens to and seems to respect is Slim. Crooks. Carlson is another worker. George let’s Lennie have one of Slim’s puppies. What did George do to Lennie that almost killed Lennie? answer choices . Asked by Carlos Vega V #602094 on 4/10/2017 10:24 PM Last updated by jill d #170087 on 4/10/2017 10:33 PM Answers 1 Add Yours. Q. He recognizes that Lennie is just like a kid and not mean-intentioned at all. Lennie hides in the brush and waits for George to come. Lennie wants to hear the story of their farm again, and George retells the dream. Later, Slim charges through the door with Curley right behind him apologizing for his assumptions. When Crooks asks Lennie why he is in the barn at night, Lennie states, “I come to see my pup” (69). Slim. What does Lennie want George to ask Slim? Slim says that Carlson should be allowed to shoot Candy’s dog. This shows that there is Curley does not trust his wife. Carlson. After Slim denies Curley’s accusation that he was hanging around Curley’s wife, Curley looks to take his anger out on an easier target, and chooses Lennie. Later, after the others have gone to the barn, hoping to witness a fight between Slim and Curley over Curley's wife, Lennie and George are alone in the bunkhouse. Candy. answer choices . Curley punches Lennie in the face. Throughout the novel, Curley is continually looking for his flirtatious wife. Curley, Slim, Whit (another ranch. Q. In this essay I will consider the effect and how the anger and violence makes this story gripping. The authors use the wording when Curley comes searching for her is different as well. When Curley and the men come back into the bunkhouse, what happens? Who is Curley looking for when he storms into the bunkhouse the second time? What are some of his character traits? Why does Curley apologize to Slim? What did Slim do to four of his pups? At the end of the workday, Slim and George return to the bunkhouse. 30 seconds . Slim talks to George about why he is with Lennie. How does George respond to Slim? Tags: Question 6 . What does Slim tell Curley about his hand? From Slim and George returning to the bunkhouse to George comforting Lennie after the fight with Curley Summary. 12.Describe the conversation George and Lennie have after the men go in search of a fight between Curley and Slim. He is too worried about the horses to be far from them. Slim is a quiet and powerful presence, and the best worker on the ranch. Slim comes into the bunkhouse and meets George and Lennie. Slim and Curley are arguing. Why does Slim question George and Lennie “going around together?” 5. When Curley doesn't back off, George tells Lennie to "get 'em." Source(s) Of Mice and … The next time Curley arrives, he “bounced in” to ask about his wife’s whereabouts, and then “hurried out the door”. Lennie is still happy from the memory of their farm, and has not noticed the commotion in the bunkhouse. Q. Who wants to live on the "dream ranch" with George and Lennie? 4. Candy goes into the barn and finds Curley’s wife’s body. Describe the atmosphere of the ranch and bunkhouse. At this particular moment, Curley’s wife steps into the doorway. The most elemental reason that Curley picks the fight with Lennie is to prove he can. Carlson suggests that Candy, an old man and fellow worker, kill his old smelly sheepdog and take one of Slim’s pups. Chapter 3. Curley's wife. Answered by jill d #170087 on 4/10/2017 10:33 PM Slim sends Lennie back to the bunkhouse after his altercation with Curley..... just to keep him from getting into anymore trouble. Curley comes in the bunk house to find his wife. His head still dripped water from the scrubbing and dousing. What happens between Curley and Lennie? The novel of “Of Mice And Men” consists of three themes, Loneliness, Dreams and Anger and Violence. Lennie, who is still dreaming about the rabbits, also smiles, which leads Curley to confront him aggressively. Describe Slim. Curley has no reason to assume that Slim is with his wife because #1 Slim isn’t with his wife and #2 Curley should look after his wife better and pay more attention to her. He runs to get George and the two discuss what has happened and predict that Curley will want to kill Lennie. Then Slim enters and tells her he saw Curley go into the house; Curley’s wife becomes apprehensive and leaves. What is his job on the ranch? 2. Why does Slim send Lennie back to the bunkhouse? Tags: Question 7 . The first place we see this is when Curley assumes that his wife would be hanging out in the bunk house with the men. His first thought was that Slim and his wife are hooking up. Why does she come into the bunkhouse? But what infuriates Curley is when he looks over at Lennie and sees him smiling. 15. Lennie. 1. When he first comes into the bunkhouse, he moves “with a majesty achieved only by royalty and master craftsmen. Crooks, the stable buck, peeks in soon after to call Slim away, so George is left talking to Whit, another ranch hand, who tells George about Susy's place where the men sometimes go for male entertainment. The other men don’t like him being in the bunk-house because he is black. Curley sees everyone at the bunkhouse besides Slim so he assumes that Slim and his wife are together. Slim gives Lennie a pup, and he spends much of the evening out in the barn petting it. Lennie kills one of the puppies and panics because he thinks he won’t be able to tend to the rabbits now Climax Lennie kills Curley’s wife after she comes into the barn and lets Lennie pet her hair.

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