Now I am a lot more open about my experience with the illnesses and I feel a lot more comfortable to do so.”. PostPandemic: How COVID-19 is reshaping Canada, Bell Let's Talk is more about marketing than mental health, Canadian researcher says. “He was the one who made me question it,” she wrote. “Individuals who post their personal stories on Bell Let’s Talk Day are targeted and exploited with advertisements for products that can ‘assist’ with their mental health illnesses,” she writes in her paper. The work done by … Read more. “The purpose of sharing their experiences online is to build their self-brand by showing their followers that they are ‘kind, generous, and an advocate’ — they truly feel as though they are supporting a cause, regardless of the amount of money that is actually raised,” she argues. "Because if they don't hit their numbers, my manager comes down on me and I'm not going to have a job.". "But Bell doesn't walk the talk.". Each year, the company chooses one day to dedicate 5 cents per customer call, text, tweet, Facebook video view, Snapchat geofilter or Instagram post. In her complaint to the CHRC, Rizzo says that despite two doctors recommending reduced targets, which were temporarily lowered, they went back up again in December 2016. That's been recognized by our team, the healthcare community, federal and other levels of government, other corporations across Canada and internationally.". Posted August 20, 2020 in Bell Let's Talk by Bell Blog Team. "Things are very expensive. Despite Bell's public commitment to improving mental health, past and present Bell employees describe toxic workplace environments to Go Public. In doing so, the phone giant isn’t just advertising the campaign, but its own company. Comments are welcome while open. “That’s a key point about the initiative that departs from the usual charitable approach,” wrote Jacqueline Michelis, a media relations spokesperson at Bell Canada. In its Oh, The Humanities! I think that Bell has used its brand to take a part in this revolution, How Bell Let’s Talk became a triple win for BCE, consumers and the mental health cause, Clara Hughes delivers inspiring talk on mental illness while struggling herself: 'I'm still not out of it', Howie’s world: Comedian Mandel opens up for Bell Let's Talk mental health awareness campaign, tap here to see other videos from our team. "I was on the verge of panic attacks. A former sales rep from a Montreal call centre writes, "The second I told my doctor that I worked at Bell after she heard the symptoms, she did not hesitate to prescribe a leave. We tell your stories and hold the powers that be accountable. Bell Let's Talk The largest-ever corporate commitment to mental health in Canada, Bell Let's Talk is focused on 4 key action pillars: Anti-stigma, Care … This week, Bell call centre employee Andrea Rizzo filed a complaint with the Canadian Human Rights Commission (CHRC) claiming discrimination because of a disability. “It’s not just Bell that is infatuated with using individual responsibility to help overcome social problems — this seems to be the new wave of the future.”. Several years ago, she noticed her right wrist becoming more and more painful. For so long I thought that Bell was a leader in mental health awareness, but when I had the epiphany that they may be more concerned with their brand than mental health illnesses, I was upset…. I accuse Bell of creating an atmosphere of toxic mental health. “Breast cancer marketing has become a widespread form of promotion due to the fact that companies can show compassion for a cause while catering to the interests and desires of modern consumers,” she writes. Doctors everywhere are apparently well aware of what I call 'The Bell Effect.'". Visit our Community Guidelines for more information and details on how to adjust your email settings. Mental Health Awareness. She uses the pink breast cancer ribbon as another example. It took a lot of bravery because I put on a ‘perfect’ facade for so long. But Bell says it put its name on the campaign because no one … “There is a common paradox associated with corporate activism, which involves simultaneously spreading awareness for an issue while promoting a positive corporate message.”. "It's part of the way we work at every level. Please note that CBC does not endorse the opinions expressed in comments. "I was the bad guy telling them to sell or they're out," he told Go Public in an interview. Postmedia is committed to maintaining a lively but civil forum for discussion and encourage all readers to share their views on our articles. Since its inception seven years ago, the campaign has raised more than $86 million and supported more than 400 community organizations dedicated to helping people living with mental illness. “(My boyfriend) believes that the campaign is a slap in the face to people who struggle with mental health and the people who support them,” she said. As part of the study, Sinyor also did a content analysis of general tweets shared on Bell Let’s Talk Day about suicide in 2016. Erica Johnson is an award-winning investigative journalist. And Vido says advertisers could be taking note of users who use the campaign to open up about their mental illness online. "I did not hit my target — I was simply unable to.". Bell Let’s Talk is the name of the day. Additionally, The Marilyn Denis Show. Whether it is you or someone you know, nothing should ever be ignored #BellLetsTalk. Toronto human rights lawyer Wade Poziomka, Rizzo's lawyer, says Bell is discriminating against a disabled employee. They presented papers on everything from child marriage in Canada to why dodgeball is problematic. "I was still experiencing significant pain because of my disability," writes Rizzo. Bell Let’s Talk has become a portal for the global discussion about mental illness, but one Canadian researcher says people’s heartfelt social media posts may make them targets for advertisers. This advertisement has not loaded yet, but your article continues below. Jobim Novak is a Toronto-based writer, mental health advocate and one of our Friends of Bell Let’s Talk. She hosted CBC's consumer program Marketplace for 15 years, investigating everything from dirty hospitals to fraudulent financial advisors. He says he raised the stresses of the job with upper management after he returned to work last spring, but nothing happened. Poziomka also takes issue with Bell expecting people to hit their targets even when they miss time from work, due to sickness. Some reported crying before starting call-centre shifts and said taking stress leave is "common.". I ended up getting ulcers," she said. Bell Let’s Talk is a wide-reaching, multi-year program designed to break the silence around mental illness and support mental health all across Canada. It is a priority for CBC to create a website that is accessible to all Canadians including people with visual, hearing, motor and cognitive challenges. Today is the 11th annual Bell Let’s Talk Day and everyone’s invited to join the conversation to support people living with mental illness while also driving up Bell’s donations to mental health programs just by getting engaged. In New Brunswick,  Belliveau is wondering how she'll pay bills, now that she has quit the call centre. A Bell Mobility sales manager who is on stress leave says the pressure to meet sales targets... 'Bell doesn't walk the talk'. A few years ago, I shared my story online and felt very inspired to help others. In September 2010, Bell created the Bell Let’s Talk campaign to help lessen the stigma of mental health illnesses in Canada. Of course, the multi-million-dollar conglomerate’s name comes before its so-called charitable mission. In contrast, earlier this month, an anonymous donor gave 100M to The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH), Canada’s largest mental health and addiction teaching hospital. "That's what is morally and ethically fair.". The Grant application period is open from January 13 to February 26, 2021. It was relentless. We want to hear from people across the country with stories they want to make public. “Bell is a service provider receiving a financial award in exchange for the publicity of the campaign,” the University of Windsor master’s student writes in her major research paper. Volunteer Natalia Kvittka sends a text message as more than 1,000 others prepare to take part in the Bell Let's Talk Day at the Halifax Metro Centre in 2013. Although Vido acknowledges her critical stance and approach in the research she also says the campaign helped her. Bell's "Let's Talk" campaign is the largest corporate initiative in the country dedicated to mental health. "They have the 'Let's Talk' initiative," he says. Vido says her master’s program and her partner helped her take a critical second look at the social media movement. Box 500 Station A Toronto, ON Canada, M5W 1E6. 365 Bloor Street East, Toronto, Ontario, M4W 3L4. Bell says it encourages people to participate in order to break down the barriers around mental illness. The 10th edition of Bell Let's Talk Day was the most successful one yet, logging 154,387,425 interactions and raising $7,719,371.25 for mental health initiatives. I think that Bell has used its brand to take a part in this revolution,” she wrote in an email to the National Post. Audience Relations, CBC P.O. Recent criticism has questioned why Bell included their name in the ‘Bell Let’s Talk’ hashtag in the first place. Rizzo was featured in an earlier Go Public story as the first Bell employee to speak out about aggressive sales targets. Just overwhelmed," Jessica Belliveau, who worked for three years at a call centre in Moncton, N.B., said in an interview. More than 600 people contacted the CBC after the investigation was published earlier this week. D3032447367 (talk) 00:37, 4 February 2020 (UTC) “The Bell Let’s Talk campaign is a multi-platform movement that is supported by the unpaid labour/engagement of social media users,” she writes. Vido adds it might only get people talking for one day a year or self-diagnosing online, rather than getting help or tangibly supporting others beyond the single day. "It's holding a disabled employee to the same standard as all other employees, and not taking into consideration the fact that they do have a disability," he says. Originally a five-year, $50 million program to help create a stigma-free Canada and … The Bell Let’s Talk Post-Secondary Fund will award a one-time Kickoff Grant to 100 eligible institutions in the amount of $25,000 in 2021. The annual Bell Let's Talk campaign is shaping national conversations on mental health. What’s more, the core objective of the campaign is a worthwhile goal — to push back against our active avoidance of mental illness and shed light on an issue that all too often remains in the dark. We ask you to keep your comments relevant and respectful. By submitting a comment, you accept that CBC has the right to reproduce and publish that comment in whole or in part, in any manner CBC chooses. "I was so stressed out that I'd be vomiting and having diarrhea at the same time. Belliveau says sales were based on the number of workdays in a month, but if she had the flu and had to miss work, her targets wouldn't be adjusted. Bell, let’s talk about #colonialism, #racism and #ableism. There was an error, please provide a valid email address. The annual Bell Let's Talk campaign is shaping national conversations on mental health. Comments on this story are moderated according to our Submission Guidelines. The Bell “Let’s Talk Day” helps to promote awareness and action with a strategy built on 4 key pillars: fighting stigma, improving access to mental health care, supporting world-class research, and leading by example in workplace mental health. Go Public asked Bell to respond to numerous allegations from employees that the company is doing a poor job of ensuring good mental health, The company's website says the program was launched after recognizing that mental illness was a national health concern with ", This week, Bell call centre employee Andrea Rizzo filed a complaint with the, CBC's Journalistic Standards and Practices. How to support your family and your community through COVID related mental health issues. "There wasn't an hour in the day where I wasn't worrying about how I was going to meet all the expectations at work.". “There is no direct way of seeing how social media users’ posts (and essentially free advertising) are impacting mental health initiatives.”, This seems to be the new wave of the future. "I had severe anxiety and depression," he says. Montréal, Wednesday, January 27, 2021. Go Public is an investigative news segment on CBC-TV, radio and the web. Successful applicants will receive funding within 6 … “As a person who struggles with anxiety, I was always pro-Bell Let’s Talk Day…. In email after email, current and former employees describe panic attacks in the workplace, stress-induced vomiting and diarrhea. ", Stressed-out Bell employees say "Let's Talk" campaign ads like these are "infuriating.". Comments may take up to an hour for moderation before appearing on the site. Solitary confinement is torture. I accuse Bell of skimming off the top of Lets Talk Day (via long distant and text charges that they collect). series, the National Post showcases some of the most compelling research. We have enabled email notifications—you will now receive an email if you receive a reply to your comment, there is an update to a comment thread you follow or if a user you follow comments. Bell Let’s Talk Day is a campaign that began in 2010, in which the telecommunications giant donates five cents for every text, wireless and long distance call by customers and any social media post that includes #BellLetsTalk. "None of the allegations you make is true," wrote spokesperson Mark Langton. ", And although many of the employees applaud Bell's mental health program, they say it's ironic that so many of the company's employees are suffering physically and mentally from pressure "created by the top, down.". In total, Bell’s funding commitment was $7,719,371.25 last year for a total of $108,415,135 since the first Bell Let’s Talk … But Bell says it put its name on the campaign because no one else would address mental health and has donated $100,695,763.75 to the cause since it began. In her literature review, Jasmine Vido argues the campaign is more about Bell building its brand than trying to combat the stigma surrounding mental illness. What do other contributors think about this? In a written statement to the National Post, Bell emphasizes it does not raise funds from customers. Stigma is what Bell said it wanted to help tackle in 2010 when it announced the Let’s Talk campaign, featuring Olympian Clara Hughes as its spokesperson. Bobby Hristova, National Post January 29, 2020. The economy is not that great here.". She quit two weeks ago, despite fears of unemployment. "My manager sent emails at 2 a.m. comparing my sales stats to the rest of the company," he says. “In 2010, mental illness was an issue little discussed and poorly funded,” the company said in its statement. Vido says she will continue to research the topic despite warnings from fellow researchers. She says it eventually led to so much stress that she is on a medical leave. Today is Bell Let's Talk Day, a day for both talking about mental health and advertising a giant corporation! "Or he would call me at 3 in the morning to ask why I was off my sales targets. If you don't see it please check your junk folder. Bell's Let's Talk campaign glosses over these realities and allows for someone like Stephen Harper to non-ironically declare his support for the campaign. “My colleagues have warned me that this is a very challenging topic to pursue because of Bell’s size and power,” she said. As a Friend of Bell Let’s Talk, he has been sharing his experience with mental illness and his journey of recovery with…. While Bell Let's Talk Day strives for mental health awareness, Toronto critics say there are better ways to start conversations. Thousands of academics gathered in Vancouver for the annual Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences in June. “Today is #BellLetsTalk Day! Although she says the campaign is extremely effective at fostering collaboration between people, she wants Bell to do more. There is a huge paradox that needs attention.”. A critical investigation of Bell Let’s Talk Introduction Bell Let’s Talk: The Campaign According to the Canadian Mental Health Association, one in five Canadians will battle a mental health illness at some point in their lives (Miller, 2013). Bell has put her on a "performance improvement plan," which could lead to her termination. 2021’s Bell Let’s Talk Day features Canadians and their mental health journeys through a disruptive year that posed unique challenges. University student-athletes from across Canada come together to talk about mental health on Oct. 1, 2017. © 2021 National Post, a division of Postmedia Network Inc. All rights reserved. “Purchasing a product stamped with a pink ribbon that symbolizes breast cancer support allows people to feel as though they are fulfilling a political responsibility through accountable actions.”, The bell let’s talk is brilliant advertising for the stupid. "If somebody's off because of a cold or a flu, the right thing to do — from an employer who cares about their employees — is to take that into consideration and reduce their targets," says Poziomka. Some reported crying before starting call-centre shifts and said taking stress leave is "common. It is the brand that comes to the forefront and is advertised, rather than the purpose of the campaign.”. Dan Breffitt, a former employee who managed projects for Ottawa's Bell Business Markets team, says the stress of dealing with an ever-growing workload contributed to an anxiety attack that sent him to hospital last fall. Bell Let ' s Talk (Quebec French: Bell Cause pour la cause) is an awareness campaign created by the Canadian telecommunications company, Bell Canada, in an effort to raise awareness and combat stigma surrounding mental illness in Canada. “Anti-anxiety blankets, antidepressant vitamins and self-help books are just a few examples of goods that would (so-called) ‘treat’ people who admit they are struggling… ultimately, Bell Let’s Talk Day can provide companies with data on who is mentally struggling and more likely to purchase goods and services for help.”. But the campaign materials focus on individuals rather than the role of systemic oppression. Vido says the company surely saves money on marketing with the viral posts shared on Bell Let’s Talk Day. Closed Captioning and Described Video is available for many CBC shows offered on CBC Gem. 0. The campaign asks for voices that "wear the label" of mental illness to speak publicly in order to promote destigmatization. We encountered an issue signing you up. First, a dose of reality: our prisons are Dickensian hellholes. Bell Let's Talk is more about marketing than mental health, Canadian researcher says. Go Public asked Bell to respond to numerous allegations from employees that the company is doing a poor job of ensuring good mental health, by allowing a culture based on extreme pressures to meet what employees call aggressive targets. "It upsets me that Bell makes such a big deal about mental health awareness and takes a lot of credit for bringing that awareness to the general public," he says. We also work with a large number of institutions and businesses, including many of our competitors, to get the mental health message out and encourage participation.”. But Bell says it put its name on the campaign because no one else would address mental health and has donated $100,695,763.75 to the cause since it began. - Tim Krochak. "I had sales targets that kept going up," the sales manager says. By continuing to use our site, you agree to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. For starters, the Bell Let’s Talk website is actually a phenomenally useful resource, with tons of information about mental health, mental health organizations, and how we can help. CBC is not identifying him — or several others — because they fear speaking out will affect their employment. There will always be criticism, as we live in a world that is so connected. He said two per cent of the Bell workforce is on a mental health disability leave. The objective of this paper is to tease out the “ambivalences” (see Banet-Weiser, 2012) surrounding a massive corporation’s leadership in mental health awareness by analyzing both the importance and controversy surrounding Bell Let’s Talk.

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