Every individual is different from each other, as the behavior of the human is considered as the most complex one. (Maltby et al, 2010, p.292). * People who perceive things differently behave differently Robbins, S.P., 2003 Organisational Behaviour. Individual differences are the variations from one person to another on variables such as self-esteem, rate of cognitive development or degree of agreeableness. Even until now, after so many years of discussion, neither psychologists nor senior managers are able to state complete definitions of intelligence and ability. People respond uniquely to the application of support and structure. For instance, Charles Spearman’s general intelligence (g) approach which indicates a two-factor theory. It is obvious that demographic factor is becoming more important for organisations especially in how to manage people in diversity and to predict future performance of employees. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. ... Tanke, E. D., & Berscheid, E. (1977). (a) Individual Differences: The basic assumption in behavioural science is that every person is different from others. Nevertheless, the meaning of intelligence was expanded by researchers. 10th edition. ISBN 0-471-48540-3 (alk. Despite your best efforts to provide a healthy work environment, people will respond differentially. In order for a manager to be effective, he has to step up to the challenge of matching the task to the employee. Individual Behavior and managing diversity: individual behaviour, main reasons impact, trends and layers of diversity, initiatives.Personality Development: meaning, theories … They look for safety and security, for instance, and they welcome the opportunity to grow and achieve mastery. With the purpose of developing an effective measurement, intelligence quotient (IQ) was born and it reflects individual performance based on sub-tests contained in intelligence test. Organisations adapted several measures to measure individual differences in order to improve organisational effectiveness and performance. Individual difference is one of the fundamental themes in personality, and it is important to theorists to understand personality. Organizational Behavior Management. * People with different personalities interact differently with bosses, coworkers, subordinates, and customers A greater synergy is comes from a strong culture.  Intra-variability – concerns differences within the individual. In short, personality does have a big impact on individual differences and the measures discussed above should be adapted by organisations to ensure an effective selection process. There are two main approaches can be concluded as the way for researchers to study individual differences which are nomothetic and ideographic approaches. The Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test which yields an EI score and two area scores; and the Self-Rated Emotional Intelligence Scale which refers to assessment of perception, use, understanding and management of emotions; are considered as two effective measurements to measure EI. Idea some people are better at processing information than others: the result of differences in opportunities to learn or due to genetics. Intelligence is considered one of the most important factors in individual differences by organisations is because they expect the person can bring certain level of performance in contributing the organisation. Interrelation of traits – the growth of personality for instance, is the result of the continuing interaction of many factors. In March 2000 Daniel Goleman introduced ‘Emotional Intelligence’ which refers to people’s ability of understanding people’s emotions including his own. The organizational culture is very important because the culture is deciding how the employees can interact at their workplace, which a healthy culture can make them loyal towards the management and it can be more motivated. Registered Data Controller No: Z1821391. Individual differences are the facts that make people different from each other. The principles of organizational behaviour are applied to all kinds of organization, irrespective of its size, nature, structure, etc. The final topic we will discuss in this chapter is the role of culture and cultural diversity in organizational behavior. If you ignore personality and treat people as if they were indistinguishable, you will fail to accept each person’s individuality. The second one is Raven’s Progressive Matrices which has minimised the influence of culture and language by giving non-verbal problems. * Why some workers learn new tasks more effectively than others For management, one of the most common problems that arise are the difficulties between team members. Individual Differences : It is a universally accepted fact that ‘No two individuals are alike and so does their behaviour, in a particular work situation’. Ashleigh, M.J. and Mansi, A., 2012. Harlow: Pearson. Organisational behaviour helps to analyse 'why' and 'how' an individual behaves in a particular way. If you need assistance with writing your essay, our professional essay writing service is here to help! Cultural issues receive little specific attention, even in those organizations. Organizational behavior is the study of both group and individual performance and activity within an organization. Psychology. The impact of individual differences on organisational behaviour is becoming more and more tremendous. * the organization determines an individual is not... ...1.0 Introduction Maltby, J., Day, L., and Macaskill, A., 2010. Intelligence can be evaluated by four parts which are cognitive, social, emotional, and culture. And trait is acting as an important role in personality theories and measures. 3. Read this article to learn about the definition, characteristics and nature of organisational behaviour. 2013). Attitudes play a key role... ...INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES AND DIVERSITY Moreover, it has enabled organisations to make specific organisation mechanism or adjust organisation’s requirement individually in order to generate greater performance for both individual and organisation. As a matter of fact, MBTI is considered as one of most frequently used measure by organisations even for the famous organisation like Apple Computer, AT&T, GE, 3M Co., Citigroup, and etc. 2. There are many conflicting theories about individual differences psychology. Put simply, the people side of business requires you to understand how people are different. (Robbins, 2003, p.96). Organizational behavior is the study of both group and individual performance and action within an enterprise. The Myer-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is widely used as the framework to measure personality which involves answering questionnaires than enabling psychologists to classify person’s traits based on four dichotomous types: Extrovert (E) versus Introvert (I), Sensing (S) versus Intuitive (N), Thinking (T) versus Feeling (F), and Judging (J) versus Perceiving (P). Many researches and analysis habve been done in this field. It is also referred to as Trait-variability. (Carver and Scheier, 2008, p.3). Organizational Behaviour is a recent origin and developing as a separate field of study. (Eysenck, 1994, p.9). In fact, Cattell’s theory has a clear identification of major traits of personality and it enabling researchers to assess personality relatively effectively based on 16 PF. Variability range from intra-variability to inter-variability Moreover, it is found that high IQs do not always perform well on all tests and low IQs do not always perform poorly. Then, the two famous and standardised measures stand out. We've received widespread press coverage since 2003, Your UKEssays purchase is secure and we're rated 4.4/5 on reviews.co.uk. Cohen, Y., Ornoy, H., and Keren, B., 2013. In simple words, nature of people is the basic qualities of a person, or the character that personifies an individual they can be similar or unique. And based on MBTI practices, different job or positions can be considered suitable for certain type of people with particular MBTI type. Characterization of Individual Differences (Ashleigh and Mansi, 2012, p.73). His 3 factor model is considered as a successful theory since people know how genetic factors are used to determine individual’s level of personality on these three. Consider the role of individual differences for ethical behavior. Registered office: Venture House, Cross Street, Arnold, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG5 7PJ. 2. Please refer to an authoritative source if you require up-to-date information on any health or medical issue. Individual differences are the ways in which people differ from each other. The Dark Side of the MBTI: Psychological Type and Interpersonal Derailers. By considering the variations that can occur from one person to another, we can best understand the full range of human behavior. * Why some employees will be productive only if they are closely supervised, while others will be productive if they are not Definition: Use in an organization: •Each person is different from one another, just as each person’s DNA profile is different. 13–14. Maltby et al (2010, p.447) states that many individual differences psychologists did not even conduct their researches on a wealth of diverse theory. People have different personalities and there are numbers of ways to describe a person’s personality. Organizational culture is defined as a system that organization can distinguishes the other organization and also share the meaning held by members. International Society for Performance Improvement, 25(4), 7-21. Soto, C., and Jackson, J., 2013. Social perception and interpersonal behavior: On the self-fulfilling nature of social stereotypes. Time into understanding/measuring cognitive ability invested: grown tests to assess cognitive levels that must be run under standardised conditions all of which are evolved through a highly technical process. 4. Historically, psychological science has overlooked individual differences in favor of focusing on average behavior. Eysenck (1994, p.4) argues that people who considered as less intelligent can display some extraordinary abilities in a way that they are extremely familiar with relevant information. p. cm.—(Wiley handbooks in the psychology of management in organisations) Includes bibliographical references and index. The Psychology of People in Organisations. As a matter of fact, most of the organisational behaviour researchers prefer to use nomothetic approach and focus on traits to assess individual differences. They are − * People with different attitudes respond differently to directives Developing good interpersonal skills can elevate turnover and create an environment that will appeal to the organization's top quality employees. Moreover, the prediction of work performance in organisation is influenced by demographics as well. We all know that we are different from each other.. in many ways such as : our physical aspects, our likes, dislikes, interests, values, psychological makeup and the … VAT Registration No: 842417633. The field of organisational behaviour examines such questions as the nature of leadership, effective team development, and. Managers are responsible for recognizing and treating employees as individuals and not as groups. Individual differences can be easily recognised from people’s appearance at the first time meet. Company Registration No: 4964706. Besides, a strong culture engages people and it will create greater productivity and it will also impact the profitability. All the aspects of organizational life are the cultural dimension. The standarisation of tests mean that, in theory, everyone’s given the same opportunity to perform but it also means the approach cannot assess people on their capacity to conduct everyday, real-life tasks. Boston: Pearson. Especially in organisation’s recruitment and selection process, individual differences are highly concerned by employers. 4. And it is considered as an overall measure of individual intelligence and it became the best-known measurement. So before a decision about a child is taken, other types of assessment should... StudyMode - Premium and Free Essays, Term Papers & Book Notes. How individuals express these attributes, however, depends a great deal on their personalities—the product of their genes, brain structure, and formative experiences. Contemporary Management. In general, researchers and work psychologists differentiate individual based on several factors such as: ethnic origin, gender, culture background, attitudes, personality traits, intelligence, abilities, perception, motivation, and etc. There is no way an individual can be treated the same way as the next person because everyone is different. Cultural Differences How do you manage and do business with people from different cultures?  Inter-variability – concerns differences among individuals or between individuals with regards to environment. However, IQ test only illustrate a broad intellectual ability of one person. The recognition of individual differences is central to any discussion of organizational behavior. Personal Factors: The personal factors which influence the individual behaviour can be classified … Unlike intelligence, ability refers to a person’s capacity to deliver a satisfied performance by given different tasks. Early 20th century Binet and Simon developed the first satisfactory test of human intelligence: considered intelligence could be measured by assessing a person’s ability to answer a selected group of questions. 2nd edition. So far, the widely adapted measures of individual differences were basically developed upon traits. These differences are related to discrimination and disparities between groups in areas such as education, housing, healthcare, and employment. Oxford: University Press. Environment brings individual differences in behaviour, activities, attitude, and style of life characteristics. Nature of people in an organisation can be well understood with the help of basic factors like individual differences, a whole person, caused behaviour and human dignity. This can be a wonderful source of richness for the organization (through the diversity it brings) or the nightmare of a really troubled employee. * interests Persons will be different in range of psychological attributes. Even though there are amount of theories and measures has been developed, it seems that none of them can be accepted by everyone and they all have deficiency. There are a lot of factors can be discussed as having influences on individual differences while intelligence and personality are considered as two dominant factors that count on the nature of individual differences. (Maltby et al, 2010, p.391). According to the western psychology approach to individual differences is assumed as: Nowadays, it is normal to see people from different part of the world working together. Harlow: Prentice Hall. Some psychologists believe the notion of intelligence should be broader than that which intelligence is defined as a mental ability. ...Intro: traditional studies of individual differences have been treated separately but contemporary theories have integrated approaches to explain behaviour and recent research has developed a more sophisticated concept that both internal (people) and external (situations) are important. To export a reference to this article please select a referencing stye below: If you are the original writer of this essay and no longer wish to have your work published on UKEssays.com then please: Our academic writing and marking services can help you! Individual differences are the variations from one person to another on variables such as self-esteem, rate of cognitive development or degree of agreeableness. Hence, other measures had been developed by using ‘Factor Analysis’ which is a multivariate statistical technique to simplify correlational relationships between variables. 2). It is possible to measure and study the behaviour of an individual. ...2.1 1. Individual differences ‐ Culture & Personality Case duration (Min): 45-60 Organizational Behaviour (OB) Principles of Management (PoM) Personality and individual differences Managing in a global context Worldwide Student Self-administered case study Learning objectives: Outline the concept of individual difference. *You can also browse our support articles here >. By sampling there’s a risk of drawing false conclusions about a person and scores alone aren’t enough. The actions and attitudes of individuals and groups have an effect on the functioning and performance of an organization as a whole Feeling cared for requires that the person be seen as special in some unique way. * individual attributes such as values and personality Harlow: Pearson. To sum up, individual differences is acting an important role in today’s environment. One is specific abilities (s) and the other one is positive correlations. Each person is different from all others, probably in a million ways, just as each’s DNA profile is different. Hove: Lawrence Erlbaum. Here, leading psychologists examine the entire spectrum of individual differences and show how they affect personality, vocational interests, job performance, and work dysfunctions. The individual and group both influence the organisation and are influenced by the environment in overall society, (ii) Organisation behaviour is multidisciplinary in nature. People have to admit that individual differences based on demographic factor have an impact on work performance. Eysenck, W., 1994. This essay will illustrate a brief study about individual differences and discuss three main factors that have a significant influence on individual differences: Demographic factors, intelligence and ability, and personality. The nature of organisational behaviour is not a discipline in the usual sense of the term, but rather an eclectic field of study that integrates the behaviour sciences into the study of human behaviour within organisations. Differential rates of growth and learning – These variations can be seen in cognitive abilities, in physical, emotional and moral aspects of growth. Copyright © 2003 - 2021 - UKEssays is a trading name of All Answers Ltd, a company registered in England and Wales. And the organisational behaviour researchers are able to measure personality based on traits.

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