Parshat Bo Dvar Torah; Parshat Bo Summary; Featured Video Why The Israelites Couldn't Eat Their Bread. Surely they should be counted among the oppressed, the downtrodden, rather than being punished along with the oppressors. 2019 דבר תורה קצר ונפלא מהרב מאיר גודלוויכט תשע״ח על פרשת בא In doing so, they also buy into the values and definitions of the ruling elite, and thereby accept their own marginalised and disenfranchised status as well. Bo Roundup. This week’s haftorah shows us a painful reality: that people are not willing to learn from the past and history will undoubtedly be repeated. Video Dvar Torah By Rabi Barry Gelman Parshat Bo Topic: Shaping The Character of the Jewish People Why is this phrase placed after the discussion of telling the story to the son, which, obviously, will come much later, well after the Exodus is over and its lessons have been assimilated by the participants? The reason for this is simple: just as they internalized Egyptian attitudes towards the Israelite slaves, they also internalized the Egyptian view of themselves, as slaves and prisoners, and did not imagine that ever changing. The unit of relationship between parent and child is the individual. Arguably one of the most detailed readings in the Torah. Seeing and experiencing the miracles was surely a transformative experience for the Jewish people. In this week’s Parsha of Bo (Ex. Using both classic and contemporary material, we take a look at these portions in a fresh way, relating them to both ancient Jewish concerns as well as cutting-edge modern issues and topics. Rabbi Label Lam moderates this list. Home Haftarah. The maidservants also deserved this plague, as they, too, had rejoiced at the suffering of the Israelites, and had, in fact, subjugated them as well, treating them as slaves, as their own Egyptian masters treated both them and the Israelites. Based on Rabbi Nachman’s Wisdom #23 “Make sacred clothing for Aharon your brother, for honor and eminence” (Exodus 28:2). This week's official Dvar Torah is from The Jewish Theological Seminary and Rabbi Hillel Gruenberg. Bo Audio Recording. Parshat Bo takes us to a climax of the Exodus story: the last three of the ten plagues, and the actual leaving of Egypt by the Nation of Israel. This week’s reading is both packed with stories and mitzvot. The servant and prisoner classes in Egypt did just that. Watch Queue Queue The plague of the first-born teaches us that those at the bottom of Egyptian society could, and should, have empathized with the Jews, made common cause with them, opposed, along with them, the Egyptian rulers' values and norms, and chosen to be on the side of the oppressed rather than stand with the oppressors. Surely, one would have expected to see it before that passage, right after “so that I may place my signs among them’ – it would surely be at that stage, upon seeing the miraculous signs and wonders of the Exodus, that the Israelites would have believed in God, would have known that He is, in fact, the Lord. Furthermore, had they been spared, and survived the plague, they would have claimed that their Gods had been responsible for punishing the Egyptians who imprisoned them, to redress the way they had shamed them, rather than recognizing that it was the God of the Israelites who had acted on behalf of the downtrodden. And all the first-borns in the Land of Egypt will die, from Pharaoh's first-born who sits on his throne to the first-born of the maidservant at the mill stone'..." (Exodus, 11, 5-6). 12:12) G-d states: : "I will pass (across Egypt) and I will strike every first-born” ".

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