According to the chart titled “Literacy”, the Philippines have a rate of literacy (94.6% among people over 15 years of age) challenged only by those of Thailand and Vietnam. These ratios are very good for the region, neighboring countries are no where near that equipped for the care of ill people. We had difficulty identifying what we were going to center our project around. Aside from extemporaneous volcanic activity and some tsunami action because of its location on the Ring of Fire, climatic conditions are beneficial to most because of the positive effects on farming and fertilizing soil. The Philippine islands are an archipelago of over 7,000 islands lying about 500 mi (805 km) off the southeast coast of Asia. This will be based upon the question posted on the discussion board, videos and audio broadcasts, reading. lit. With a well-balanced scale of politics, economy, and society, capped off with a mainly beneficial geographic setting, the Republic of the Philippines is doing better than most South East Asian nations in transportation technology, medical practice, arable and farmed land, forestry, and countless other areas of the country’s array of economic and social areas. What was the reason for killing? Besides that, Maybank is the first instant international money transfer service adopted by a Malaysia bank obtainable through Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Brunei, Philippines, Cambodia, Vietnam and Pakistan. By the help of our great men and some americans the philippines became free from the hands of the spanish. Most mountains on islands are covered with tropical rainforest plants. Additional materials, such as the best quotations, synonyms and word definitions to make your writing easier are also offered here. Medical technology is another strongpoint in the Philippine society. See Map #1 for location of Luzon). A comparison of the respiration of yeast in different sugar substrates. Since 1960, when the population was over 27 million (see “Philippines Population Over Time” bar line chart), the nation has seen a steady increase of about 10 million citizens per year. Essay on Geography Reflection This project was challenging from the beginning. REFLECTION about Noli Me Tangere The Noli Me Tangere is a Philippine novel written by Dr. Jose Rizal, the national hero of the Philippines. Two warm and wet monsoons fertilize soil and help crops grow in the fertile flatlands near the coast. Forty-six percent of the archipelago is covered with forests for loggers to cut and sell at reasonable rates to give the economy a boost. Labor in the country is cheap , and rates are low for foreign businesses wishing to hire out production of goods. Hire a subject expert to help you with Reflection in Philippine Literature. Philippine Revolution. Once we got going however Transportation is thriving in the Philippines. The Philippines is an archipelago that comprises 7,641 islands with a total land area of 300,000 square kilometers (115,831 sq mi). The sectors for agriculture and industry are both less than the services sector, showing that the economy relies heavily on services. The Philippines’ Geography Landscape The Philippines is located between 116°40', and 126° 34' E. Longitude and 4° 40' and 21° 10' N. It is mostly made up of mountains, plateau and hills. For those looking for inspirational sources, I would highly recommend the two books written by Pope Francis. The agricultural division of the economy has a strong influence, also. The Republic of the Philippines is a stable country built on a solid government and fair economy. My Reflection about Philippine Literature. The unraveling of the virus is leading each one of us to get in touch with our inner life. Inability to develop and expand air accessibility to key growth markets in terms of routes, frequencies, and capacities. Geography, or the study of relationships between people and locations on Earth, very often shapes the way people live and interact with each other. There are numerous reasons why, the aim of this essay is to explain them to you. Philippines’ leper colony had its own “Leper Money. We'll not send Of Mice and Men, John Steinbeck : How does the killing of candy's dog relate to the killing of Lennie? Download. (Pines City Colleges BSN 2-9 … Manalansan is a prolific writer and author of books such as Global Divas: Filipino Gay Men in the Diaspora, which is published in Durham, North Carolina by the Duke University Press in 2003. The earthquake started due to the fact that Kobe is situated among 3 of the Earth’s tectonic plates (The Eurasian, the Pacific and the Philippine plates).Stress had been strengthening in the rocks of the Philippine and pacific plates, once this stress was released, shock waves travelled through the Earth’s crust. Geography, or the study of relationships between people and locations on Earth, very often shapes the way people live and interact with each other. The dominant religion is Roman Catholicism, followed by Protestant and Islam (see Religious Demographic” chart). A universal law of suffrage grants anyone 18 years of age or older the right to vote on elected officials and any other deeds requiring a majority vote from the public. A Reflection About Telehealth in the Philippines ISPOR October 28, 2020 November 2, 2020 No Comments on A Reflection About Telehealth in the Philippines Kenneth Hartigan-Go, MD, Associate Professor, Asian Institute of Management, Makati City, Philippines Although only 19% of the land is farmable there is plenty forest and permanent crop space for exporting cash crops and lumber, as is shown in “Philippine Land Usage” pie chart. Let a Professional Expert Help You, Ask a professional expert to help you with your text, Give us your email and we'll send you the essay you need, By clicking Send Me The Sample you agree to the terms and conditions of our service. The country is divided into 73 provinces under one Union, as illustrated in “Map #3”, though only the 55 largest provinces are shown since the others are not visible to the map’s scale. Five major characteristics of a Philippine culture include family, beliefs, customs, food, and language. REFLECTION: Pre-colonial Filipinos are unlike from the Filipinos after the Spanish period. In this essay geography and military conflict history, weather analysis, and civil considerations, Military approaches of India, Philippines and Switzerland Although geographically part of Southeast Asia, the country is culturally strongly Euro-American. The purpose of this essay is to identify how international law aids conflict resolution in respect to the disputed territory in South and East Asia Seas. The national capital is Manila on the island of Luzon. understanding that is learned through a process of socialization. The Filipino economy is based strongly on services and labor, as is shown in the chart for “Philippine GDP Sector Composition”. the 1987 philippine constitution article xiv sections 1-5(5) In the article XIV that deals with education, science and technology, arts, culture and sports, it can be said that the State should provide for a free public elementary and secondary education and should provide scholarship grants, student loan programs, subsidies and other incentives to deserving and poor students. The Philippine Islands was the name used before independence. Philippine Tourism and Geography. Literature. This shows advancements in medicine and modernized facilities for people to be treated. The geography allows for some cultural diffusion, Islam, Buddhism, and Christianity all reached the islands by the mid 117th century although there are still places that are extremely isolated to the point of having no electricity7 at all and primitive methods of life. Consisting of over 7,000 volcanic islands with a total land area of nearly 300,000 square kilometers (approximately the size of Arizona), islands of the Philippines are predominantly mountainous except for densely populated coastal plains on larger islands. The Philippines was granted to the United States in 1898 following the Spanish-American War. COVID-19 is forcing us to physically stay away from friends, workmates, crowds, places to eat, concerts, movie houses, etc. The only government-recognized official languages are Filipino and English. Approximately nineteen percent of Filipino land is arable, the second most in the region of South East Asia. Charlotte Aperocho Aged and heavily congested and outdated international airport infrastructure and operations system. The largest of these islands is Luzon at about 105,000 square kilometers (40,541 sq mi). But first, a history question: Average suomy Dec 07 15 471 plays 3. GEO 213 Art Reflection Assignment The world is made up of an astonishing variety of people and cultures. Socially, the differences in culture between regions and islands can be great, but for the most part the nation is made up of people with Christian Malay heritage, though many other ethnic groups exist in the nation. The government operates about 1,145 postal savings banks and the Development Bank of the Philippines, the Land Bank of the Philippines, and the Philippine Amanah Bank (for Mindanao). Only about 7% of the islands are larger than one square mile, and only one-third have names. I will also cover how the terrain and infrastructure, communication, and past military conflicts impacted their, Philippine Cultural Awareness With over 36,289 km of coastline among its 7,000 islands, the archipelago of the Philippines heavily relies on boats and planes to move about, domestically or when migrating to other countries. There were numerous reasons for the U.S. to turn to Imperialism at the end of, American Imperialism and the Colonization of the Philippines To what extent was martin Luther responsible for the protestant reformation in Germany? Country Profile •Republic of the Philippines •Capital: Manila •Population 102.5 million •Area 300,000 sq km (115,831 sq miles) •Major languages Filipino, English •Major religion Christianity •Life expectancy 66 years (men), 73 years (women) •Currency Philippine peso It featured the song of Angeline Quinto The Republic of the Philippines is, as stated, a republic. He has "broad research interests" that range from "sociocultural anthropology, sexuality and gender, immigration and globalization"¦critical theory, performance, public health, Filipino diaspora, Asian Americans"¦and the Philippines," ("Martin F. Manalansan"). Get a verified expert to help you with Geography of the Philippines essay, Are You on a Short Deadline? It is forcing us to be alone, to be quiet and reflect amidst all the noise in the world. 8/12/2015 2 Comments In Philippine literature it deals with ideas, thoughts and emotion of man. The largest are Luzon in the north (40,420 sq mi; 104,687 sq km), Mindanao in the south (36,537 sq mi; 94,631 sq km), and Visayas (23,582 sq mi; 61,077 sq km). Five major characteristics of a Philippine culture include family, beliefs, customs, food, and language. Not to be out done,they also the first to present internet banking in Malaysia which is a user-friendly website, Culture is the shared patterns of behaviors and interactions, cognitive constructs, and affective understanding that is learned through a process of socialization. The eleven largest islands contain 95% of the total land area. After 7 years I continued my studies, I am excited on the first day of school, because for me this new test in my life, My first subject is “Philippine Literature in English (Phil. Philippine Bodies of Water Part 1 10 questions Average, 10 Qns, RDXD, Sep 14 13. Hire verified expert. It is an archipelago consisting of some 7,100 islands and islets lying about 500 miles (800 km) off the coast of Vietnam. With good population growth and even better projected growth, the Philippines should endure years of moderate prosperity in the future based on everything mentioned above. Argumentative Research Paper: Should children read fairy tales. There are approximately 150,000 active defense troops stationed in the country for various purposes. The islands are of volcanic origin, with the larger ones crossed by mountain range… The overall land area is comparable to that of Arizona. Mr. A Bawang was our instructor. In this essay geography and military conflict history, weather analysis, and civil considerations will be discussed. Philippine Tourism and Geography. The Philippines’ Geography Landscape The Philippines is located between 116°40', and 126° 34' E. Longitude and 4° 40' and 21° 10' N. It is mostly made up of mountains, plateau and hills. The Philippines have seen a steady increase in population over the last 40 years. Main minerals mined in the region are cobalt, copper, and iron ore, all of which are exported at fair rates. This class was beneficial to me for many reasons. Affected by a northeast monsoon from November to April and a southwest monsoon from May to October, warm winds and moderate rainfall dominate the climate patterns of the nation. Identification. Enjoy Viewing. He also loved to travel, and it was during one of his trips when he realized that he could turn Belgium into one of the world’s richest countries. Thomas More's Utopia and its impact on English society during the Renaissance. The chief cash crops are rice and sugar, both of which are grown on coastal plains on most of the islands in the archipelago. The climate of the Republic of the Philippines is a warm and moist one. What were the similarities between them? These ratios are very good for the region, neighboring countries are no where near that equipped for the care of ill people. The movie is all about what Philippines Can offer to all of Us.. Philippine General Geography 10 questions Very Difficult , 10 Qns, RDXD, Sep 04 13 This quiz will test how much you know about Philippine land forms, water bodies, settlements and such. As shown in the “Arable Land” chart, the only country near the Philippines with more farmland is Thailand with over thirty percent arable land. The Filipino rose to a national Sadcha Chillatan 562015 The Philippines 2. They delude themselves into thinking they are empowered when they throw money at the problem. The Ring of Fire, a region closely associated with volcanic and earthquake activity, lends a heavy influence to volcanic activity on the islands of the Philippines (one such example is Mount Pinatubo, a very active volcano on the island of Luzon. And this is the end of the spanish regime. ... King Leopold II of Belgium was passionate about geography and everything that had something to do with maps. Reflection - the Philippines; a Century Hence As the Spaniards were on the task of Philippine domination, keeping the Filipino uneducated & ignorant failed. People are panic buying. The best known about him is his theory of Class Conflict or just simply Conflict Theory. [FREE] Philippine Geography Trivia Questions And Answers . This resulted in mass destruction, Essay Question: Why did the U.S. turn to Imperialism at the end of the 19th century? In 1935 the Philippines became self-governing, but their independence was delayed by World War II and … Climate, or the prevailing weather patterns over time of a region, also has drastic effects on society and cultures, and these statements are especially true in the South East Asian nation of the Philippines. Philippine society is a unique blend of diversity and homogeneity. These shared patterns, identify the members of a culture group while also distinguishing those of another group. Farmland is restricted to the deep coastal plains because of the generally mountainous terrain the islands have from their volcanic origins. Imperialism is "the creation and maintenance of an unequal economic, cultural, and territorial relationship, usually between states and often in the form of an empire, based on domination and subordination.” (Johnston 375) By the 1890s, many Americans leaders started to have new attitude towards imperialistic adventures abroad. Despite America’s previous claims of only supporting independence and democracy, the United States became an imperialist power and colonized the Philippines (Introduction to the Spanish-American war and the, provider in Malaysia with more than 2600 ATM machines around the country in Malaysia. Focussing mainly on the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (LOS Convention) , the essay will then examine the key dispute resolution mechanisms provided in the Convention and highlight its effect to resolving the disputes, the quake victims died together with Mrs Endo, her husband, however, did not! Reflection in Philippine Literature. It has a total land area of 300,000 Ferdinand Magellan first landed in the Philippines in 1521. With almost 300 national airports, they have more than doubled the amount of any neighboring South East Asian country. Reaction Paper about Philippine Constitution Being a Filipino, It is important for me to express what I feel and need to see in our country and I also wanted my voice to be heard in terms of political and economical issues. Faith in the governing body is high, and the system of law enforcement and regulations are sturdily based on American and Spanish systems. Were the British soldiers lions led by donkeys? The “Head of State” is an elected president. Over 95% of the Filipino population are of Malay decent, while the other five percent is mainly people of Chinese ethnicity, as is shown in the “Ethnic Demographic” pie chart. The Swiss National Redoubt and Indian Sundarji were developed within these states, while the Philippines strategy was based on foreign military dependency. There is one hospital bed available for every 860 people, and a physician for every 849 people. Most mountains on islands are … The warm weather and moist monsoons allow for growth of the nation’s main crops: sugar, and rice. It is the world's 5th largest island country. For me, I still highly recommend the practice of daily reflections for the next 40 days. Geography and climate have always had very potent effects on culture. 1.1 Philippine Geography, History, and Economy The Philippine archipelago is composed of about 7,100 islands and lies strategically within the arc of nations that sweeps southeastward from mainland Asia to Australia. The Republic of the Philippines was named the Filipinas to honor King Philip the Second of Spain in 1543. In 2001, the population rose to over 82.8 million, an increase of over 20 million people in just over ten years, probably because of an increase in the abundance of jobs in the area of labor and services. All of the popular philosophies in the Philippines came as a result of cultural diffusion from other areas, there is a very small minority that practice native beliefs to the region. Students looking for free, top-notch essay and term paper samples on various topics. This shows advancements in medicine and modernized facilities for people to be treated. Philippine history is a very rich and interesting topic. spam or irrelevant messages, We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. Philippines, island country of Southeast Asia in the western Pacific Ocean. Originally, the various islands were populated by competing tribes, each with their own king or queen. A great deal of pharmaceuticals are also produced in the Philippines. The rich cultural heritage of our ancestors has thought me a … In the 21st century, it is inevitable for states to make a diplomatic and strategic decision without being influenced by defence capabilities of their enemies and friends. Strangely, it mak… People have lived in the Philippines since the dawn of human history. The filipino rose to a national. Therefore, customer will feel more convenient and efficiency when they do their, The class Rel 240 Introduction to Southeast Asia is about the Interdisciplinary introduction to the cultures, religions, political systems, geography, and history of Southeast Asia. However, the pursuit of happiness enlightens the hearts of the Filipinos into the light of a new nation. Manila is the capital, but nearby Quezon City is the country’s most-populous city. Geography allows for growth of crops and an evenly dispersed population. The climate of the Republic of the Philippines is a warm and moist one. With this portfolio essay I will discuss what I learned in the class, then I will draw my on reflections an opinions about certain topics we discussed during the class. The Republic of the Philippines is an archipelago, or chain of islands, located off the south-eastern coast of Asia. These shared patterns, identify the members of a culture group while also distinguishing those of another group. By continuing we’ll assume you’re on board with our cookie policy, Don’t waste Your Time Searching For a Sample, The Role Of World Vision Philippines In Nation-Bulding, “A Study on the Relationship between Overpopulation and Depletion of Natural Resources that Affects the Economic Status of the Philippines”. And they do so because they feel helpless about the situation. Schooling is also mandatory for all children who are citizens of the Philippines. Transport by air and sea is heavily relied upon, since the country has so many water borders. The Last requirement for our Finals in Philippine Literature. The geography allows for some cultural diffusion, Islam, Buddhism, and Christianity all reached the islands by the mid 117th century although there are still places that are extremely isolated to the point of having no electricity7 at all and primitive methods of life. The irony of the 1898 Spanish-American war was that Americans fought partly to aid Cubans in the fight for Cuban sovereignty, and the United States ended up colonizing some territories they won from Spain, like the Philippines. Industry is doing well in the Philippines, the main industry for the country is textiles and since labor is cheap and there is a good mineral supply, machinery is not scarce. View Geography Art Reflection Assignment (4).pdf from SCIENCE 2010 at Logan High, Logan, UT. We study literature … Aids deaths are the lowest among neighboring countries shown in the “Aids Deaths” chart, with under 2000 aids deaths to date. Essay about philippine geography >>> CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE Success bestow humility essay Writing expository essays – writing services of premium level have reflective essay, you can refer to the reflection essay example below. you Post World War II the approach adopted by India, the Philippines and Switzerland are defensive in nature. Retrieved from Philippines presentation 1. Philippine Bodies of Water Part … The government is stable and reliable to citizens, with a sturdy court system based on Spanish and American concepts and an executive branch that enforces laws efficiently. The country is located over the Philippine Trench, a plate tectonic boundary which forms part of the Ring of Fire (see Map #2). (2016, Jul 02). REFLECTION IN PHILIPPINE LITERATURE. Geography of the Philippines essay. There are also 13 offshore banking units in the country, and 26 foreign bank representative offices. The fear is palpable. Geography and climate have always had very potent effects on culture. Considered to be part of the Tropics, the Philippines' mean annual temperature is about 80°F (27°C) with the interior valleys tending to be a little warmer and the mountain peaks a little cooler than the mean. Mount Apo, the Philippines' highest point, reaches 9692 ft (2954 m) and is found in the southernmost ranges on Mindanao, the second largest Philippine island. The Philippines’ Geography 769 Words | 3 Pages. Medical and educational systems are both very stable and advanced, with low death-at-birth- rates and abundant hospital space, along with a mandatory and free school system for children. Manalansan is also published, tensions in the East and South China Seas has directed attention to the likelihood of an armed conflict in the region.

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