The above discussion demonstrates that this indeed is the case in Nepal, where development, meteorology, social context and responses to climate change adaptation intermesh in a complex way. 25-31, White Lotus Co., Bangkok. Glaciers have retreated rapidly in the second half of the 20th century, forming, in many cases, ice-core moraine-flanked lakes of melted water. The diversity in Nepal's climate is matched by the diversity of its multiple ecosystems and flora and fauna species. The livelihoods of over three-quarters of all Nepalis are based on agriculture and forest resources, and almost 65 percent of agriculture is rain-fed (MoPE, 2000). (2001) there are 2,323 glacial lakes in Nepal covering 75 sq. Floods during the monsoon are a natural phenomenon in Nepal. Women are critical actors in climate change adaptation and their knowledge and capacity must be recognised to strengthen climate actions. In 1999 Shrestha et al. Winrock applies experience and research-based solutions to challenges in agriculture, climate change, natural resource management, and economic and human development. The long-term implications of such a strategy could debilitate the social and economic health of the country as domestic skill and expertise declines. Alternatives to structural measures which can help us to adapt include measures to improve drainage, provide points of refuge during periods of floods and improved early warning systems. Adapting to long and short term climate-related problems need creative engagement among government, market actors and the civic movement. In this zone, rivers shift their channels frequently. ISET, 2008: From Research to Capacity, Policy and Action: Enabling Adaptation on Climate Change for Poor Populations in Asia Through Research, Capacity Building and Innovation, Report from the Adaptation Study Team to IDRC Coordinated by ISET, July, ISET and ISET-Nepal. Flooding has major implications, not just for livelihoods and food security, but also for overall strategies for adapting to climate change. However, mainstreaming gender perspectives into local budgeting processes remains a challenge. ), 2006: Clumsy Solutions for A Complex World, Governance, Politics and Plural Perceptions, Palgrave. Despite its relatively small area, Nepal has very diverse climatic conditions, ranging from tropical in the south to alpine in the north. This lack of precise information is significant as water and sediment fluxes determine the design, operation and functioning of structural control measures such as embankments. Mainstreaming Adaptation. Livelihood systems that have a high level of resilience to the disruptions caused by floods also support adaptive strategies. In the absence of policies, global warming is expected to reach 4.1°C – 4.8°C above pre-industrial by the end of the century. Basic language and other skills necessary to understand risks and shift livelihood strategies as necessary. xlv no 2 Mumbai. Almost inevitably, ... where the 2015 Nepal earthquake took close to 9,000 lives, and where the threat of future devastating quakes is very high. Environment and Global Climate Change; Global Health; Newsroom. The Government of Nepal recently completed its national-level adaptation plan (NAPA) with support from UNDP-GEF, DFID and DANIDA. GCM outputs suggest that extremely hot nights (the hottest 5% of nights in the period from 1970 to 1999) are projected to increase by up to 77% by the 2060s and 93% by the 2090s. The emissions that drive this warming are often called Baseline scenarios (‘Baselines’ in the above figure) and are taken from the IPCC AR5 Working Group III. Failure to explore these linkages will jeopardise the country's ability to adapt to climate change. Dixit, A. Cities and their growing populations are impacted by climate change on a daily basis. Wisner, B., Blaikie, P., Cannon, T. and Davis, I., 2004: At Risk: Natural Hazards, People's Vulnerability and Disasters, Routledge, London. It also suggested that precipitation is likely to be more uncertain and that storm intensity will increase. Access your account or create a new one for additional features or to post job or training opportunities. This failure will severely impact poor and marginal populations. Where such systems are weak or fail, they constrain adaptive behaviors such as livelihood diversification, disaster response and recovery. The country's three distinct geographies-the snow covered mountains, the mid hills and the tarai (plains)-embodies this diversity. Gender-responsive budgeting was introduced in Nepal over a decade ago to ensure gender equality and equity in development. NPC 2010: Food Security Monitoring Task Force 2010, The Food Security Atlas of Nepal, National Planning Commission, Government of Nepal. Stories going out of Nepal on international media show a similar trend. With such a dearth of information, it is impossible to adequately capture the temporal and spatial dynamics of precipitation. Climate is the long-term average of weather, typically averaged over a period of 30 years. The Kosi embankment breach flood caused by institutional dysfunction (Dixit, 2009: Shrestha et al, 2010)  affected 3.5 million people in Nepal and India while the 2010 Indus flood  in Pakistan  will have major social, economic, and political implications for the country's wellbeing. Washington, The scale of the impact of any given flood depends on both natural conditions and the characteristics of the population. The difficulty in establishing seedlings after a fire will prolong the time before villagers can gather non-timber forest products (NTFPs). In the following paragraphs we discuss the implication of climate change on these two types of disasters. The warning time before these hazards strike ranges from a few seconds or minutes (in the case of landslides), to a few days (in the case of storms and floods). The problem has no simple answer or silver-bullet solution. A gender-responsive budget committee was also set up at the ministerial level to guide and support gender-inclusive budgeting. How are the perspectives of the affected and those who are already making autonomous decisions included? We advocate for effective and principled humanitarian action by all, for all. Climate "adapted" systems will help build social resilience. It must be climate change! The 2008 Kosi embankment breach flood in Nepal-India and the 2010 flood in Pakistan are cases in point. The feasibility and long-term implications of such policies for adaptation need to be explored further. List of organizations that are actively providing ReliefWeb with content. While many Nepalese people are coping autonomously to current stresses, the state must design and implement effective strategies to adapt to climate change impact to achieve economic and social progress. The preparation involved a series of shared learning dialogues in locations along three north-south transects. The rivers of Nepal already transfer huge amounts of sediment derived from natural and geological processes such as landslides and other mass movements and the erosion of riverbeds and banks. By Ajaya Dixit, Institution for Social and Environmental Transition-Nepal. Access climate finance mechanisms, develop and strengthen the policies, institutions, capacities, knowledge and transformative change required to build a climate … Throughout most of recent history, the government's strategies for flood mitigation have emphasized structural control measures, primarily embankments. Even so, the distinction can support a long-term, holistic perspective in minimizing risks related to both. Shrestha, A. Many in the international community are promoting a programme to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD) in developing countries and since Nepal's community forestry efforts are seen as a major success, it is likely that Nepal will see an increase in investment in reforestation. A decade later, in 2009, a modeling exercise conducted by team of Nepali, American, British, Pakistani and Bangladeshi experts (NCVST,2009) using the emissions scenarios in the IPCC's special report (2007) found that the temperature will indeed increase in the mid-hills and that this region is likely to grow more arid in the non-monsoon seasons. Based on the Köppen–Geiger climate classification system, the Nepal Terai experiences a tropical savanna climate type with dry winters and hot summers, a mean annual temperature of 20–28 °C (68–82 °F), a mean annual rainfall of 1,600–1,800 mm (63–71 in) in … It then goes on to discuss two types of disasters - rapid and slow onset. ),  Institute for Social and Environmental Transition, Boulder and Kathmandu and ProVention. The policy brief is based on a review of literature on gender-responsive budgeting in government policies and plans in Nepal and also discussions conducted with experts through online dialogues under CDKN’s Knowledge Accelerator project. Nepal's National Adaptation Plan of Action (NAPA) prepared in 2010 also recognizes that climate will be uncertain and vulnerability will increase. Migration: In Nepal, migration, whether seasonal or long-term, is a key strategy of adaptation for many households. An increase in the frequency and intensity of droughts, if coupled with extended forest cover, will greatly increase the risk of forest fires. The obvious impacts of climate change on food production and food security at the local level are likely to be compounded by other on-going processes. [i] This and the next section draw heavily on the proposal of an ongoing research project investigating linkages among these elements conducted by ISET-Nepal and ISET-Boulder with support from International Development Research Centre (IDRC). Human-caused warming is responsible for increasing the risk of a glacial outburst flood from Peru's Lake Palcacocha, threatening the city below. Clearly, approaches to respond to the challenges need to be conceived in terms of plural institutions (Verweij and Thompson, 2006) and incremental solutions (NCVST, 2009) designed to overcome key constraints and enable Nepali households to adapt to new conditions as and when they emerge. Autonomous adaptation includes individual or collective responses that populations, communities, businesses and other agencies undertake on their own in response to the opportunities and constraints they face as the climate changes. Address: Bhrikutimandap, Kathmandu P.O. Fax +1 (202) 729-7610, Global circulation model (GCM) projections indicate that the temperature over Nepal will increase between 0.5ºC and 2.0ºC with a multi-model mean of 1.4ºC, by the 2030s and between 3.0ºC and 6.3ºC, with a multi-model mean of 4.7. Climate-related disasters can broadly be caused by rapid-onset events and slow-onset events. Gender-responsive budgeting was introduced in Nepal … Access to a range of economic and livelihood options. Knowledge generation, planning and learning. They also enable them to access seeds and equipment more rapidly in the aftermath of a flood event. Forestry and other production systems, which are themselves impacted by climate change, also are a key influence. The country's three distinct geographies-the snow covered mountains, the mid hills and the tarai (plains)-embodies this diversity. Who decides how to adapt and how is that decision made? The probabilistic approach they employ uses historic data collected in a stationary hydrological system; obviously, when climate change renders the system non-stationary this approach will fail. In Nepal, autonomous adaptation occurs mostly in the poorly-documented informal sector. For instance, micro-credit and loans can help farmers cultivate drought or flood-resistant species and increase crop variety. It is not only agriculture and regional grain markets which impact food security. The results of global climate scenario modeling suggest that the impacts of climate change may be intense at high elevations and in regions with complex topography, as is the case in Nepal's mid-hills. It gives recommendations for effectively sharing relevant knowledge with decision-makers to strengthen the implementation of gender-responsive strategies and build a sustainable and climate-resilient society. Find help on how to use the site, read terms and conditions, view the FAQs and API documentation. The social and scientific basis required to learn from experience, proactively identify hazards, analyze risk and develop response strategies that are tailored to local conditions. At the same time, increased income from remittances can fuel an increase in consumer spending that makes little contribution to the national economy with the end result that the GNP depends on a fragile and consumerist remittance economy. On the other hand, if higher intensity rainfall become more frequent, it means that landslide events in the mountains will become more common. The implications of these dynamics for policymaking for adaptation are immense. Both are foundations for pursuing adaptive strategies. 2775-2786, September. Occasionally, a moraine dam is breached and a lake empties in a very short time, creating a GLOF, causing localised damage to assets and local infrastructure and taking lives. Vulnerability is also deeply embedded in a given social context, and is a symptom of the marginality of different groups, the fragility of systems and the exposure of populations, activities and systems to specific hazards. The problems of today, such as drought, forest fires, and flooding, will only be magnified by climate change.

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